Mama Juul'un Füzyon Ziyafeti

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10.40, 30 Nisan 2023 tarihinde Restart. (mesaj | katkılar) tarafından oluşturulmuş 16232 numaralı sürüm (→‎The Merging Process)
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Mainbanner kitchenmerge2023.png

Mama Juul's Travelling Kitchen has come to your City! But who is she and why everyone is super excited? Mama Juul has always been passionate about cooking, but she felt that Orcish Cuisine was limited in taste and flavour. She longed to travel the continent of Elvenar and learn new recipes that she could bring back to her community. One day, she prepared her cart, took all her kitchen equipment, and set out on a journey of culinary discovery! As she travelled, Juul met many people from different cultures and races, and she learned about their unique ingredients and cooking techniques. Juul's kind heart and delicious food quickly made her popular amongst the people she met. She would cook for anyone who would invite her into their towns, and she always left behind a satisfied and grateful crowd. Her dishes were a delightful blend of traditional orcish ingredients and new spices and flavours that she had discovered on her journey. Join the event, taste delightful dishes and listen to Mama Juul's stories about the places she has visited!

Mama juul.png

Meet Mama Juul! She is joyful and extremely enthusiastic about cooking.

She's easy going and can be friends with anyone. It is no surprise that she learned about almost all the races' unique ingredients and cooking techniques. Her dishes were a delightful blend of traditional orcish ingredients and new spices and flavors that she had discovered on her journey.

Görev ve Görev Dönüm Noktaları

Görev dizisi bir hikaye bölümünden oluşur. Bu, ilk görev serisini hemen bitirebileceğiniz anlamına gelirken, sonraki görevlerde günlük olarak yeni eklemeler yayınlanır ve her yeni etkinlik gününde bir ek etkinlik görevi oynamaya devam edebilirsiniz.

Tamamlanan her görev sizi, yalnızca onlara ulaştığınız için ek ödüller veren Görev Dönüm Noktalarından birine ulaşmaya yaklaştırdığından, etkinlik görevlerini çözmek de ek avantajlar sağlar.

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Etkinlik Menüsü

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Tamamlanan her görev, ödül olarak size Aşçı Şapkası Chef Hats.png kazandırır. Otomatik olarak etkinlik menüsüne eklenir. Aşçı Şapkası üç depolardan birinden bir yemek üretmek için kullanılır. Daha lezzetli bir tane yaratmak için yemekleri nasıl birleştireceğinizi aşağıya bakın! Müşteri Siparişlerini tamamlamak size Müşteri Memnuniyeti Customer Satisfaction.png sağlayacaktır. Bu Memnuniyet ile, muhteşem Büyük Ödüllerin kilidini açabilirsiniz yeni fantastik geliştirilebilir yapı da dahil : Juul'un Gezici Mutfağı.

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Etkinlik Menüsü simgesine tıklayarak, size birçok bilgi sunan ve topladığınız Aşçı Şapkalarını harcamanıza olanak sağlayan etkinlik penceresine ulaşabilirsiniz:

Kitchenmerge2023 event explain.png
  1. Etkinliğin bitmesine kalan süreyi gösterir.
  2. Ligler, Liglerdeki ilerlemenizi görmenizi sağlar (daha fazla bilgi için lütfen sayfanın alt kısmına bakın.)
  3. Topladığınız ve henüz harcamadığınız Aşçı Şapkası Chef Hats.png miktarını gösterir.
  4. Elmas harcayarak Aşçı Şapkası almanızı sağlar.
  5. Customer Order tamamlandığında kazanacağınız Güne Özel Ödülü ve ödül değişmeden önce kalan zamanınızı gösterir.
  6. 5/5 değiştirme ücretine ulaştığınızı gördüğünüzde ve günlük ödülünüzü değiştirmek istediğinizde, "Değiştir" butonuna tıklayarak seçiminizi onaylayın, o gün için günlük ödülün değiştiğini göreceksiniz!
  7. Her biri için 20 Müşteri Memnuniyeti Customer Satisfaction.png biriktirilerek kazanılan Büyük Ödülleri gösterir. (Büyük Ödülleri toplamak için "Al" düğmesine tıklayın).
  8. Kazandığınız Müşteri Memnuniyeti Customer Satisfaction.png miktarını gösterir.
  9. Bilgi Noktası: Burada, Yemeklerin çeşitli mevcut gelişimlerini ve gelişim durumlarını kontrol edebilirsiniz.
  10. Mutfak Masası yemeklerin bulunduğu ve onları birleştirebildiğiniz yerdir.
  11. O sırada mevcut olan Müşteri Siparişlerini gösterir , hangisini istediğinizi kontrol edin.
  12. Sıradaki Büyük Ödülün kilidini açmaya yönelik ilerlemeniz.
  13. Atık kovası: Mutfak masasından çıkarmak istediğiniz bir Yemeği buraya sürükleyin. Dikkat! Bu işlem geri alınamaz.
  14. Depolar: Aşçı Şapkalarınızı burada harcayabilirsiniz, her Kategorinin kendine has bir yemek çeşidi vardır.
  15. Lezzet Ganimeti: Bu muhteşem paket, mutfak masasına 5. veya 6. seviye evrimleşmiş bir yemek yerleştirmenizi sağlar. Şans sana gülerse 50-100 Aşçı Şapkası alabilirsin.

Ayrıca yardım Helpbtto.png butonuna tıklayarak süregelen etkinlik hakkında size yardımcı olacak diğer bilgilere ulaşabilirsiniz.

Aşçı Şapkası

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Etkinliğe 40 Aşçı ŞapkasıChef Hats.png ile başlarsınız ve etkinlikteki her görev tamamlandığında daha fazlasını alırsınız. Ek olarak, şehrinizi her gün ziyaret ederseniz ve Günlük Etkinlik Ödülünü toplarsanız 20 Aşçı Şapkası Chef Hats.png alacaksınız!

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Ayrıca zaman zaman şehrinizin etrafında da toplayabileceğiniz Aşçı Şapkası bulabilirsiniz.

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Daha sonra Depolardan Yemek elde etmek için Aşçı Şapkalarını kullanabilirsiniz. Birinci ve üçüncü Görev Dönüm Noktasına ulaşıldığında ek Şef Şapkalarının kilidi açılır.

Mama Juul'un Füzyon Ziyafeti etkinliğinin sadece birkaç haftalığına şehrinizde kalacağını unutmayın, sonrasında bu muhteşem ödülleri kazanmak için Aşçı Şapkalarını kullanarak lezzetli yemekler üretemeyeniz mümkün olmayacak, bu yüzden zaman kaybetmeyin!

Mutfak Süreci

Yemekler ve Depolar

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Lezzetli yemekler üretmek için iki şeye ihtiyacınız olacak: Yemekler ve Depolar.

Bu Etkinlikte üç tür Yemek vardır:

  • Sıcak Çikolata
  • Misket Limonlu Tatlılar
  • Leziz Rostolar

Her yemek türünün altı seviyesi vardır. Her yemeğin tüm seviyelerini aşağıdaki resimde bulabilirsiniz.:

Dish Levels.png

Depolar size bu etkinliği oynamanız için Yemekler verecek. Her Depo yalnızca kendi türünden bir Yemek verebilir. Şef Şapkalarınızı kullanarak bir Depoyu etkinleştirebilirsiniz, ancak Deponun ödülü oyun tarafından rastgele seçilir. Aşağıdaki tabloda, her Depo için, her parçanın oranlarını görebilirsiniz:

Çikolata Kalıpları Misket Limonu Çuvalı Sebze Kasası
Kitchenmerge2023 Cup choco.png
Kitchenmerge2023 Cup lime.png
Kitchenmerge2023 Cup roast.png
Lütfen dikkat: Her Deponun size yalnızca beşinci seviyeye kadar bir Yemek verebileceğini görebilirsiniz.

Birleştirme Süreci

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The Master Piece of this Event is merging the Dishes to produce a more delicious one. To make your clients happy, you will need to cook their Orders.

But, when you activate a Stockpile, you will receive a Dish of the Stockpile type but not necessarily the level that you want. It's now that the Merging process take place!

To merge two Dishes together, you have to click on the first Dish and drag it on the second Dish. And that's all! The merge will be done and a new Dish will appear!

There are some rules to follow:

First Rule: You can only merge together two dishes of the same type and the same level. Which means that, you cannot merge a Roast level 1 and a Chocolate level 1. But you can merge two Lime level 2.

The result of two Dishes merged together will always be a single Dish, but one which has evolved to the next level up from that of the initially separated pieces.

Example: if you need to produce a Chocolate level 5? You need to merge two Chocolate level 4's.

Second rule: The merging is irreversible. If you don't need the merged a Dish, you can either discard it or keep it until you need it.

Third rule: By merging two Dishes, you will always get a higher level. You can never obtain a lower level.

Customers' Orders

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On the right hand section of the board, you will find three orders from Customers. It's like the Chests of our previous events.

To complete each Order, you need to cook the required Dishes on the Kitchen Table. You can have a maximum amount of 3 Orders at the same time and each Order will ask you for one Dish of each type but with different levels. The more demanding the order, the greater will be the reward!

Kitchen Orders.png
In this first order, you can see that all Dishes are ready. You can then either accept or reject the order. If you don't want to fulfil this order, you can skip the order or merge one of the Dishes asked by the order.
In this second order, you can see that only one of the Dishes is ready. If this order is to your liking, you can merge the Dishes in your kitchen table to satisfy the order, or you can skip it and receive a new order instead.
In this third order, you can see that none of the Dishes are ready. If this order is to your liking, you can merge the Dishes in your kitchen table to satisfy the order, or you can skip it and receive a new order instead.

If you don't wish to fulfil an Order, you can decide to skip it by pressing the small red bin Red bin.png on the top right corner of the order you wish to discard. But beware you will need to wait 30 minutes to receive a new Order or use Diamonds if you wish to hasten the clock.

Order Cooldown.png

In the top left corner of each order you can see how much Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction.png you will receive by fulfilling that order. The more demanding the Order is, the better the rewards and Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction.png quantity.

If you hover your mouse over the order, you can see all the rewards contained within, but similar to the Chests of our previous events, you can only win one of the listed rewards. It all depends on your luck.

When you accept an Order, the Dishes will be taken from your kitchen, the rewards of the Order will be granted, and the Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction.png obtained will help you to progress in the Grand Prizes Lane and the Leagues. Please see our dedicated section below.

The Flavour Loot

Kitchenmerge2023 Flavor Loot.png

The Flavour Loot is your Joker for this new event! As a reward of a Customer Offer, you can win "Flavour Loot". It's a special item that will grant you a reward randomly choose by the game. You can win a higher level Dish or more Chef Hats.


Evolving Building

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In this Event, you can win an exciting new Evolving Building: Juul's Traveling Kitchen. This powerful Evolving Building can be evolved through 10 stages to increase its power.

Juul's Traveling Kitchen

This building provides Culture and Population as a standard benefit. Its special bonus is a random production including as possible rewards: Coins, Units, and Orcs in lower stages. As it evolves, Spells Fragments and Pet Food will be added to the possible rewards selection.

As with every Evolving Building, you will need the exclusive Artifacts to evolve it to a new stage. Artifacts can be won as a Grand prize or as Quest Milestones Rewards.

For more information on Evolving Buildings go to our dedicated page on the topic.

Büyük Ödüller

Bu etkinlikte Büyük Ödüller, Juul's Traveling Kitchen bir sonraki seviyeye geliştiren Mama Juul'un Eseri'ni içeriyor.

Kitchen 2023 Evo.png

Büyük Ödül Şeridinde ayrıca çeşitli Lütuflar Rün Parçaları,Spectral Stone, Kadim Bilgi ve çok daha fazlasını içeren birçok ödül mevcut!

Bu Etkinliğe Özel Portrelerinden birini de, Büyük Ödüller şeridinde toplayabilirsiniz.

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You can collect it when you reach the 280 Customer Satisfaction waypoint on the Grand Prizes Lane

Daily Prizes

Each day you will have a chance to win a Daily Exclusive prize, including some brand-new buildings of the event, such as: Orcish Delight and The Simmering Soup

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Are you keen on a certain Daily Prize? Then you can hover your mouse over an order to see the odds of you receiving the Daily Prize.

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But that's not all! By fulfilling a Costumer Order you can receive various types of Instants, Rune Shards, Knowledge Points, Goods, Units and more, much more...!

For all this and much more, make sure to complete all the Event Quests so that you can have a chance to win every single one of these wonderful prizes.

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Royal Prize Pass

The Royal Prize Pass is an additional feature, which can accompany any regular Event in Elvenar.

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For every event step completed, you will make a step towards the next Grand Prize, and an additional Prize within the Royal Prize Pass!

In the Grand Prizes window, available from the Event screen if the Event is using the mechanic, you can see the upcoming event prizes that are waiting for you to be unlocked. Here, for every step earned from collecting Event Currency, you can unlock one of the event Grand Prizes.

The Royal Prize Pass adds Royal Grand Prizes, which can be collected with the regular Grand Prizes. The Royal Prize lane becomes available with purchasing the Royal Prize Pass and you can do so at any time in the event! For this event, the exclusive building that will be granted with the purchase of the Royal Prize Pass is: Tusks and Tablecloths !

A Evt May XXIII Tusks and Tablecloths.png

Expiring buildings

As a previous event, we introduce 3 new Expiring buildings. These buildings will boost your Manufactories productions and you can win them by completing Customer Orders.

Steel-Infused Fungi Crystal Caps Mystic Mycology
A Evt Exp May XXIII SteelInfused Fungi.png A Evt Exp May XXIII Crystal Caps.png A Evt Exp May XXIII Mystic Mycology.png
Boost the Standard Basic Manufactory production Boost the Standard Refined Manufactory Production Boost the Standard Precious Manufactory production
Hint: If you wish to know more about Expiring Buildings, please visit the dedicated page to the subject


In this event you will have the chance to participate in Leagues and win even more fantastic prizes! By earning Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction.png by completing Orders, you will progress towards the Grand Prizes but also to work your way up through the Leagues.

Leagues Window Kitchen2023.png

There are five different Leagues you can reach: Hobby, Iron, Bronze, Silver and Gold League. Each League is limited to a number of players with the required amount of points for that League. If a League is already full, you will move to the next League down but remember, the positions of the Leagues are recalculated every hour so do not give up hope and focus on making your clients happy to continue to progress in the Leagues!

  • Hobby - All Players
  • Iron - Top 50%
  • Bronze - Top 20%
  • Silver - Top 5%
  • Gold - Top 1%

For the Hobby League you only need to start playing the event, as for the rest of the Leagues you will need to obtain Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction.png in order to progress through the Leagues.

Each League has a minimum amount of points that needs to be reached. The League requirements are based on the progress of all players participating in the event and is recalculated every hour, so you might notice some changes on the required points to achieve the next League.

If you hover your mouse over the Leagues icon in the event window, you will be able to see what your rank is and how much further you have to go until you reach the next League.

Leagues tooltip Kitchen2023.png

Leagues Prizes

In Leagues there are even more fantastic prizes to be won, such as Expiring Buildings, Knowledge Points, Royal Restorations, Artifacts and even an exclusive Portrait that is not available anywhere else in the game!

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Each league has a set of awesome rewards, the higher the League the better the rewards! In order to receive the rewards of the League you desire, you must be in the top ranking of that League.

At the end of the event you will see a reward window that displays your League position and the prizes you have won.

Leagues reward window.png