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Elvenar da her ırk için açabileceğiniz ve kışlada eğitebileceğiniz 5 birim vardır. Elf ve insan birimleri eşit güce sahip olsalarda, taktiksel olarak farklılık gösterir.

Her iki ırk da oyuna zayıf yakın dövüşçüler ve kısa menzilli birimler ile başlar. Bu birimler için elfler ve insanlar arasında ki fark, insan birimleri saldırı konusunda daha iyidirler ama savunmaları zayıftır. Elf birimleri ise saldırı ve savunma konusunda tam bir dengededir.

Üçüncü ve dördüncü birimler ise her iki ırk içinde tamamen farklıdır ve farklı dövüş stratejileri gerektirir. Her iki ırk için de kışladaki son birim ise büyülü destekçilerdir.

Ek olarak, dünya haritasındaki bölgelere gittiğinizde onlara karşı dövüşebileceğiniz diğer birimleri keşfedebilirsiniz. Bu düşman birliklerin türleri genellikle bulundukları bölgenin türüne ve o bölgenin şehrinize olan uzaklığına göre değişmektedir.

Units barracks.png

İlk birim hariç -bu ilk birim kışla kurduğunuzda açılmış olacaktır- diğer tüm birimler, araştırma menüsünde o birimin araştırması açıldıktan sonra eğitilebilir olur. Ayrıca tüm birimlerinizin tekniklerini gerekli "terfiyi" araştırarak geliştirebilirsiniz.


Birim Bilgisi

Kışlayı kurduktan sonra, her birime yakından bakabilirsiniz, hatta kilitli olanlara bile. Yapmanız gereken, sadece o birimin bilgi simgesine bilgi basmanızdır. Ona bastığınızda, aşağıdaki gibi birim bilgisi görüntülenir:


Numara Ad Simge Tanım
1 Birim Türü - Her birimin belli sınıfa atanmış bir türü vardır.
2 Birim Sınıfı - Her sınıf, birim türünün ait olduğu ana taktiksel grubu tanımlar.
3 Hasar Damage The damage value of an attack is determined, randomly, out of the units' damage range.
4 Can Puanları Hitpoints Hitpoints per Unit.
5 Ağırlık Weight Units have different weights. The bigger the weight, the less units are needed to fill a Squad. The bigger the weight, the more difficult it is to kill a unit out of its Squad, during battle.
6 Hareket Menzili Movement Range This is the amount of fields a unit can move in 1 turn.
7 Saldırı Menzili Attack Range This is the maximum distance units' attack can reach.
8 Misilleme Strike Back This ability allows a unit to automatically counterattack after being attacked in close combat, but it works only once per round. If a unit has this ability you will see the number “1”. If the unit has no Strike Back a “0” will be shown.
8 Initiative Initiative The unit with the higher Initiative will act earlier in the battle round.
10 Saldırı Bonusu - Here you will see which classes this unit has an Attack Bonus against. When this (Unit Type) attacks a unit of a (shown Class), the attack damage will be increased by (the shown percentage).
11 Savunma Bonusu - This will show you against which Classes this unit has a Defense Bonus. If this (Unit Type) is attacked by a unit of the (shown Class), the received damage will be reduced by (the shown percentage.)
12 Özel Yetenekler - These are spells or special additional effects for attacks. If you move your mouse over this icon, it's description will show.

Unit Classes

In Elvenar you will find 5 Classes of units: Light Melee, Short Ranged, Heavy Melee, Heavy Ranged and Mage.

Each Class has certain Unit Types assigned to it. For example: while Sword Dancers, Axe Barbarians, Cerberus and Orcs are different Unit Types, they all belong to the same Class: Light Melee. They are all light close combat fighters, so, despite having different battle strategies, they will have similar values for hitpoints and damage

Class Icon Description
Light Melee Light melee.png Basic close combat unit (good HP, good damage)
Short Ranged Short ranged.png Basic ranged fighter (good damage, weak HP)
Heavy Melee Heavy melee.png Close combat unit with heavy armor (very good HP, weak damage)
Heavy Ranged Long ranged.png Special ranged unit (e.g. ranged but armored or long heavy shots but extremely weak HP) with some protection against short ranged units.
Mage Mage.png Supporter unit with special magic abilities (weak HP, weak damage, able to modify attributes of target until the end of the following round)

Special Abilities

Some units can cast a spell to bring down enemies' defenses which will increase the damage done to them by the following units. Others have the power to reduce the enemies' attack strength in order to protect your troops.

Special Ability Icon Description
Divine Curse Special abilities devinecurse.png Increases incoming damage on target until the end of next round.
Broken Valor Special abilities brokenvalor.png Weakens attack of target until the end of next round.
Wound Enemies Special abilities wounded.png Increases incoming damage on target in the current round.
Daze Enemies Special abilities weakened.png Weakens attack of target in the current round.
Pierce Curse Special abilities piercecurse.png Increases incoming damage on target until the end of next round.

Units Overview

Elves Units

Elves Units
Elves sworddancer.png

Sword Dancer

Elves archer.png


Elves ent.png


Elves golem.png


Elves sorceress.png


Humans Units

Humans Units
Humans barbarian.png

Axe Barbarian

Humans crossbow.png


Humans wardog.png


Humans paladin.png


Humans priest.png


Province Units

Province Units




War Dog

War Dog









Swamp Monster

Swamp Monster





Unit Stats Overview

Unit Stats Elves

Unit Stats Information Elves
Unit Type Class Attributes Bonus Special Abilities
Damage Hitpoints Weight Movement Range Attack Range Strike Back Initiative Attack Defense
Elf Sword.png Light Melee 7-9 24 1 3 1 1 12 - - -
Elf sword II.png Light Melee 9-11 31 1 3 1 1 12 Heavy Ranged +20% - -
Elf Archer.png Short Ranged 4-6 12 1 3 4 0 10 - - -
Elf archer II.png Short Ranged 6-8 16 1 3 4 0 10 Short ranged.png +20% - -
Elf Ent.png Heavy Melee 86-106 378 12 2 1 1 7 Light melee.png +20% Light melee.png -70% -
Elf ent II.png Heavy Melee 115-141 504 12 2 1 1 7 Light melee.png +40% Light melee.png -90% Daze Enemies
Elf Golem.png Heavy Ranged 17-51 131 6 3 3 0 6 Heavy melee.png +40% Short ranged.png -20% -
Elves Golem II.png Heavy Ranged 23-69 179 6 3 3 0 6 Heavy melee.png+80%Short ranged.png+20% Short ranged.png -40% Wound Enemies
Elf Mage.png Mage 7-13 45 4 4 4 0 2 Light Melee+40%
Heavy Melee+40%
Short Ranged-60%
Heavy Ranged-60%
Broken Valor
Elves mage II.png Mage 10-18 63 4 4 4 0 2 Light Melee+60%
Heavy Melee+60%
Heavy Ranged-80%
Short Ranged-80%
Broken Valor II

Unit Stats Humans

Unit Stats Information Humans
Unit Type Class Attributes Bonus Special Abilities
Damage Hitpoints Weight Movement Range Attack Range Strike Back Initiative Attack Defense
Human Axe.png Light Melee 9-11 20 1 3 1 1 12 - - -
Humans Axe II.png Light Melee 12-14 26 1 3 1 1 12 Heavy Melee +40% - -
Human crossbow.png Short Ranged 5-7 10 1 3 4 0 10 - - -
Humans Crossbow II.png Short Ranged 6-10 14 1 3 4 0 10 Light Melee +20% - -
Human hellhound.png Light Melee 5-7 16 1 6 1 1 8 Short Ranged +90% Short Ranged -60% -
Human hellhound II.png Light Melee 7-9 21 1 6 1 1 8 Heavy Ranged +40%
Short Ranged +90%
Heavy Ranged -40%
Short Ranged -80%
Wound Enemies
Human paladin.png Heavy Melee 22-32 284 6 2 2 1 8 Light Melee +70%
Heavy Melee +20%
- -
Humans paladin II.png Heavy Melee 30-44 389 6 2 2 1 8 Light Melee +90%
Heavy Melee +40%
Light Melee -30% Daze Enemies
Human priest.png Mage 2-18 30 4 1 14 0 1 Heavy Melee +40% Short Ranged -60% Divine Curse
Humans priest II.png Mage 3-25 42 4 1 14 0 1 Heavy Melee +60% Short Ranged -80% Divine Curse II

Unit Stats Provinces

Unit Stats Information Provinces
Unit Type Class Attributes Bonus Special Abilities
Damage Hitpoints Weight Movement Range Attack Range Strike Back Initiative Attack Defense
Thief Light Melee 6-8 19 1 3 1 1 8 - - -
Bandit Short Ranged 5-9 7 1 3 4 0 7 - - -
War Dog Light Melee 4-6 13 1 6 1 1 8 Short Ranged +90%
Heavy Ranged +50%
Short Ranged -80%
Heavy Ranged -50%
Wound Enemies
Orc Light Melee 9-13 14 1 4 1 1 8 - - -
Archer Short Ranged 4-6 12 1 3 4 0 7 - - -
Knight Heavy Melee 12-20 122 4 2 2 1 5 Light Melee +60% Light Melee -30% -
Steinling Heavy Ranged 13-35 61 4 3 3 0 4 Heavy Melee +80% - -
Swamp Monster Heavy Melee 25-53 108 6 2 1 1 7 Light Melee +30% Light Melee -60% Daze Enemies
Necromancer Mage 6-12 32 4 4 4 0 3 Heavy Ranged +60%
Light Melee +60%
Short Ranged -80% Pierce Curse
Mortar Heavy Ranged 8-74 27 6 1 14 0 3 Heavy Melee +80% Short Ranged -80% -